As most of the few people who read my blog know, I have been seeing someone very casually for the last several months. My friend J dubbed him The Daft Punk and I like that name, though I'm not sure it's wholly appropriate. Let's just say that he's more daft than punk. I would shorten his name to DP for the sake of brevity, but, as DP is a common abbreviation for double penetration, I will use his full name, The Daft Punk.
The Daft Punk responded to a personal ad I had posted on and while I wasn't initially grabbed by his picture, his honesty completely turned me on. He wrote in one of his first emails to me, "I have very few boundaries, in case you couldn't already tell." I loved that. I still didn't have high hopes for our date, looking at it as a way to waste a couple of hours until I could be back in the comfort of my apartment watching Christopher Meloni brood on Law and Order SVU. Well I met him and his picture didn't do him justice at all. And when he left my apartment the next morning, I wasn't even regretting the fact that I should have set my VCR to tape L & O.
We've been out several times since and slept together a couple of times. But here's the thing. Are we dating? I don't know and we've never talked about it. I like spending time with him. We laugh. I am very attracted to him. Initially, I kind of liked this idea that we're "pals", "friends with benefits". But now I'm not so sure. He will ask me if I've met anyone recently on match and then tell me about new websites he's discovered such as
www.dudesnude.comOver Labor Day, I took him to see a play that I knew he wanted to see. It was kind of an awkward night. For some reason, I felt a little nervous around him. I think I was reacting to a vibe he was giving off. Anyway. I don't hear from him for about a week or two and when I sent him an email, he wrote back, "I was totally getting this vibe that you were blowing me off." Huh?? I was blowing you off so I spent $150 on theatre tickets? If that was the vibe I put out and that mattered to you, why wouldn't you call me to discuss it, to bitch me out, whatever?
What the fuck?
And then I, like the weak desperate man-boy I can often be, apologize for this behavior, when the accusation to begin with was such bullshit. Uggghhh.... Sometimes I hate myself for doing stuff like that. It's like I gave in, because I thought if I challenged him, he would blow me off. And that's the rub. For some reason, I feel like this guy is too good for me. Too attractive, too focused, too with it and together. Therefore, I'll tolerate just about anything, particularly because I don't know where I stand. There is a risk, though, in having this talk, in attaching a name to something, in calling this what it may or may not be. And there are expectations, and I don't know if I'm ready for someone to expect anything from me, and, at the same time, I don't know if I could handle moving forward without any expectations placed on me. Part of me desperately wants to rock the boat with the knowledge that it could tip over and sink. My friend T asks why I can't just enjoy this. But I can enjoy it, I plead, I just want to see all of his cards. I'll show him mine. Who has no boundaries now?